Let ϵc denote critical energy density, ϵt energy mass density at time t, c the speed of light, G the gravitational constant, H=˙a/a the Hubble parameter, Λ the cosmological constant, ℓp Planck length, and Ep Planck energy. From the first order Friedmann equation,
and the quantum field theoretical assumption that, letting
Vμ(ℓp) denote the Planck volume,
we may define
ϵc=ϵt when curvature
There exists a closed manifold μ such that
Let μ denote a torus (as a closed, compact 2–manifold). It should be noted that any topological space homeomorphic to a torus may be considered with the same treatment. The Planck volume is then,
The outer radius of
μ is denoted by
ℓp2. If
0<ℓp2<<1 denoted the inner radius, then
μ degenerates into a double-covered sphere with radius
R, which yields an undesirable
Λ. Equating with (3) yields
Given observational data, whereby
The outer radius would then be approximately 2⋅1032 light years. A space of these 'tori' could technically exist since packing densities are higher than that of spheres (one could conjecture this as a minimum possible size of the universe – assuming total size is at least 3⋅1023 times larger than the observable). So, how could this be disproven? What implications would such a large outer radius have on other areas of physics and cosmology (seems absurd that the Planck length could describe such a large region of space – in terms of radii, not volume)? I would be grateful for any help on this.