Dose Einstein's B coefficient determine the value of alpha?
Einstein's B coefficient can be expressed as oscillator strength - \(f\) (a dimensionless value that expresses the probability transitions between energy levels).
\(B_x=\frac{c^3}{h\;\nu^2_x}= \frac{k_e\;e^2}{m_e\;h\;\upsilon_{x}}\;f\)
Solving for oscillator strength in terms of frequency we get;
\(f =\frac{m_e\;c^3}{k_e\;e^2}\frac{1}{\upsilon_x}=\left[\frac{\alpha_G^{0.5}}{\alpha} \nu_P\right]\frac{1}{\nu_x}=\frac{1.1\times 10^{23}}{\upsilon_x}\)
By oscillating the B coefficient's radiation field at specific frequencies we obtain;
Compton Frequency
Electron Be Frequency
Planck Frequency
From the above the value alpha is a resonant frequency of Einstein's B coefficient radiation field.
Another resonant frequency of Einstein's B coefficient radiation field generates a gravitational field.