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  Prove that space is anything other than absolutely nothing.

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I maintain that Einstein, in 1903. Presented his Space/Time equation (theory). He did as Physics 101 teaches,"Everything has a value." Sputnik was the first real satellite to spend any time there. I have come to the conclusion that space violates Physics 101. Space is  the truest form of "NOTHING". You cannot mix or blend it with anything, shape or reform it, warp, fold, bend or warp it. Makes it easier to seriously contemplate forever and always has been. I see highly accredited Professors, Scientists, Lectures on about every subject from Astrophysics to Quantum theory. Taught in every institute of higher learning. Then theory upon theory based on what they are taught is the equation of the infallible Prof. Einstein's Equation, taken as fact (mistakenly). I call my thesis, "Einstein's Space/Time Equation in the new Ptolemy's Theorem or Equation. That one took us 1000+ years to get over. Of course religion help that out, somewhat.

asked Aug 11 in Chat by Terry D. Lee canelacook@protonmail.coom [ no revision ] 1 flag
recategorized Aug 12 by Arnold Neumaier

The present-day understanding of spacetime has permitted numerous predictions which are in agreement with observations.

You, on the other hand, merely state that space is 'the truest form of "NOTHING"', without providing any arguments in support of this statement. The concept of "nothing" is, in itself, rather vague. At least, it is not clear what you mean by it.

Your contribution appears more to be a rant than a serious question.

I assume you have been typing your contribution on a keyboard, with keys arranged in rows, with certain distances between keys. Space at least is "something" that allows the existence of such distances. Space, as you can see from this example, is not just where Sputnik (and the moon, planets, sun, other stars, galaxies) is (are), but also where you move about in your daily life (e.g., between a table and a window), and even between parts of your very own body (distances everywhere).

I am not sure how the year 1903 fits into this topic. So far, the years I have associated with Einstein and relativity are 1905 and 1915.

Furthermore, I am not aware what Physics 101 is supposed to be and why a potential violation thereof should be of any concern to anyone whatsoever.

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