I recommend this review for a detailed analysis of dimensional analysis in relativity, its connection with the operational meanings of the tensors, and a review of the literature:
Here is a summary from it.
For dimensional analysis I use ISO 80000 conventions and notation. I sometimes use notation such as TT∙∙ to indicate that the tensor TT is covariant in its first slot and contravariant in its second; I call this a "co-contra-variant tensor".
First of all, a coordinate is just a function that associates a physical quantity with every event on the (spacetime) manifold, or on a region thereof. Together with the other coordinates, such function allows us to uniquely identify the event within that region. A coordinate can thus potentially have any dimensional units. It could be the distance from something, and so have dimensions L; or the time elapsed since something, and so T; or an angle, 1; or even a temperature, dimensions Θ.
The dimensions of the coordinates don't matter, as we'll now see.
Consider a system of coordinates (xi) with dimensions (Xi).
Starting with an example, take a contra-contra-co-variant tensor AA, with components (Aijk) in some coordinate system. Then the component Aijk must have the following dimensions:
where D is the same in all components. The reason for this is simple. Written in invariant form, the tensor is
and all terms must have the same dimensions. This is only possible if the components have dimensions as in (1). This also means that dimAA=D independently of any coordinates. For the present discussion we may call these the "absolute" dimensions of the tensor. I believe that this is the point of view and terminology of Schouten (1989), chap. VI.
What we have just seen is obviously consistent under coordinate changes. For example, transforming components to a primed system,
and the transformation coefficients take care of the dimensional changes.
This example generalizes to tensors of any type in an obvious way.
Tensor operations
Applying the kind of reasoning just discussed we can find the dimensional effect of the main operations on tensors:
- tensor multiplication ⊗ multiplies the dimensions: dim(AA⊗BB)=dim(AA)dim(BB);
- same for the exterior product ∧;
- same for contraction (but without raising or lowering indices! see below);
- pull-back and push-forward don't change the dimensions of the tensor they map;
- the Lie derivative with respect to a vector field vv multiplies by the absolute dimensions of this vector: dim(LvvAA)=dim(vv)dim(AA);
- same for the interior product ivv;
- the exterior derivative d doesn't alter the dimensions of the form on which it operates: dim(dωω)=dim(ωω) (we could use the Cartan identity to check this);
- same for the integration of a form over a submanifold;
- the covariant derivative operator ∇ doesn't alter the dimensions either: dim(∇AA)=dim(AA). But note that dim(∇vvAA)=dim(vv)dim(AA).
The dimensional effect of the covariant derivative operator can be quickly checked by noting that the expression of ∇AA contains the following term:
From the same expression we also find that
Consider a curve to the manifold, c:s↦P, where the parameter s has dimension S. If we consider the manifold as "dimensionless" (if this makes sense), then the dimensions of the tangent vector ˙c to the curve are dim(˙c)=S−1. This follows either from ˙c:=∂xi[c(s)]/∂s∂xi, or considering that ˙c can be interpreted as the push-forward of ∂s, that is, c∗(∂s).
Metric tensor
From the above discussion we see that the component gij of the metric gg has dimensions dim(gij)=ZXiXj−1Xk−1, where Z are the absolute dimensions of the metric. What are these absolute dimensions?
The answer probably depends on how you see the operational meaning of the metric. Here I offer my personal point of view. We can use the metric to measure the "length" of (timelike or spacelike) paths in spacetime. The "length" of a path c(s) with s∈[a,b] is
We see that this "length" has dimensions Z1/2 (and not unexpectedly it doesn't depend on the dimensions of the curve parameter s). Therefore
dim(gg)=L2 .
However, note that a few important relativity authors (see references in the review cited above) focus on timelike paths, for which the "length" is measured by a clock having that path as worldline – it's its proper time. Thus some authors instead define
dim(gg)=T2 .
By our usual argument it's possible to see that the Riemann curvature tensor RR∙∙∙∙, the Ricci tensor RR∙∙, and the Einstein tensor GG∙∙ are dimensionless – 1 – and the scalar curvature has dimensions L−2. Note that the Riemann and Ricci tensors (with the contra/co-variant type specified above) do not require a metric for their definition, but an affine connection. They are dimensionless no matter what dimensions we give the metric. By construction the (fully co-variant) Einstein tensor is always dimensionless, too.
An important operation done with the metric:
- "lowering an index" of a tensor multiplies its dimensions by L2, and "rising an index" multiplies them by L−2 (if you agree with my discussion above).
Stress-energy-momentum tensor
What are the absolute dimensions of the co-contra-variant stress-energy-momentum tensor TT∙∙? We must look for an operational meaning here too. There's still ongoing research on this matter (see the review above). The main points are summarized in this answer. The literature offers three main conventions:
The first is by far the most common, the second is used by a few but important authors, the third by McVittie.
Einstein constant
Einstein's constant κ therefore relates a dimensionless quantity and the dimension of the stress-energy-momentum tensor:
dim(GG∙∙)=dim(κ)×dim(TT∙∙) .
If we use convention 1. above, then it's easily seen that dim(κ)=E−1L, and these are the dimensions of 8πG/c4. This is most widely used convention.
If we use convention 2. above, then dim(κ)=M−1L, and these are the dimensions of 8πG/c2. This value for Einstein's constant is indeed used by Fock (1964 p. 199) and a few other authors (eg Synge, Adler-Bazin-Schiffer, McVittie).
Additional references
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2025-01-31 21:51 (UTC), posted by SE-user pglpm