This question comes from Georgi, Lie Alegbras in Particle Physics. Consider the algebra generated by $\sigma_a\otimes1$ and $\sigma_a\otimes \eta_1$ where $\sigma_a$ and $\eta_1$ are Pauli matrices (so $a=1,2,3$). He claims this is "semisimple, but not simple". To me, that means we should look for an invariant subalgebra (a two-sided ideal). The multiplication table is pretty easy to figure out:
I'm dropping off the identity in all the places where it looks like it should be. So the only subalgebra is the $\mathfrak{su}(2)$ generated by $\sigma_a\otimes 1$, and that is not invariant from the second line above. So this looks like a simple algebra to me. Is there a typo somewhere I do not see?
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