Here I would like to see the behavior of a function as an integral when its argument (which is a parameter in the integral) goes to zero. If I try to evaluate an integral ∫i∞−i∞dzM(z)zλz in which "λ" is a number which approaches zero. Is the following way correct or not?
First we write it as ∫i∞−i∞dzM(z)zezlogλ where λ is some meromorphic function, but on the exponential the first derivative of the exponent doesn't have any zero, therefore I pull the 1/z factor onto the exponent: ∫i∞−i∞dzM(z)ezlogλ−logz, then the exponent zlogλ−logz is stationary at z∼0 when λ→0, then we just approximate the integral with the limit of the integrand when z→0, which is M(0)logλ.
Is this way of doing steepest descent reasonable?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-03-07 13:45 (UCT), posted by SE-user user106592