Mathematically, SUSY begins with the supersymmetry algebra, a Lie superalgebra, which is itself a special case of a more general class of algebras called graded Lie algebras. Of central importance is the supersymmetry algebra referred to as the super-Poincare algebra that extends the Poincare algebra to include supersymmetry "charges" and their anticommutators.
In the context of physics, one studies field theories, both classical and quantum, that exhibit invariance under some action of supersymmetry algebras on fields and Hilbert spaces of these theories. As a result, representations of supersymmetry algebras are especially important in physics.
I would highly recommend that you look at THIS set of notes written by Sohnius, one of the original supersymmetry masters and co-discoverers of THIS famous and important theorem which really motivates why supersymemtry is all the rage in physics. The notes talk about representations of supersymmetry algebras in a lot of detail, and the clarity of the prose is top-notch if you ask me.
Addendum. I almost forgot, you also hear the word "superspace" which is a construction that physicists use to, among other things, make constructing manifestly supersymmetric Lagrangians easier. The mathematics behind this is supermanifolds.
Lastly, there is some discussion of these things on math.SE, see for example
Hope that helps!
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-03-07 16:41 (UCT), posted by SE-user joshphysics