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  Regularization of the Casimir effect

+ 13 like - 0 dislike

For starters, let me say that although the Casimir effect is standard textbook stuff, the only QFT textbook I have in reach is Weinberg and he doesn't discuss it. So the only source I currently have on the subject is Wikipedia. Nevertheless I suspect this question is appropriate since I don't remember it being addressed in other textbooks

Naively, computation of the Casimir pressure leads to infinite sums and therefore requires regularization. Several regulators can be used that yield the same answer: zeta-function, heat kernel, Gaussian, probably other too. The question is:

What is the mathematical reason all regulators yield the same answer?

In physical terms it means the effect is insensitive to the detailed physics of the UV cutoff, which in realistic situation is related to the properties of the conductors used. The Wikipedia mentions that for some more complicated geometries the effect is sensitive to the cutoff, so why for the classic parallel planes example it isn't?

EDIT: Aaron provided a wonderful Terry Tao ref relevant to this issue. From this text is clear that the divergent sum for vacuum energy can be decomposed into a finite and an infinite part, and that the finite part doesn't depend on the choice of regulator. However, the infinite part does depend on the choice of regulator (see eq 15 in Tao's text). Now, we have another parameter in the problem: the separation between the conductor planes L. What we need to show is that the infinite part doesn't depend on L. This still seams like a miracle since it should happen for all regulators. Moreover, unless I'm confused it doesn't work for the toy example of a massless scalar in 2D. For this example, all terms in the vacuum energy sum are proportional to 1/L hence the infinite part of the sum asymptotics is also proportional to 1/L. So we have a "miracle" that happens only for specific geometries and dimensions

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asked Dec 30, 2011 in Theoretical Physics by Squark (1,725 points) [ no revision ]
retagged Mar 7, 2014 by dimension10
May I link to this other related question that I had asked sometime back - http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/18106/zeta-function-regularization-in-qft-for-heat-kernels May be you can correlate the two discussions.

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3 Answers

+ 10 like - 0 dislike

Check out Terry Tao's brilliant post on zeta function regularization here (I never understood the subject until I read this post). The short answer is that they're all computing the same thing, the (suitably defined) asymptotics of the divergent sum.

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answered Dec 30, 2011 by Aaron (420 points) [ no revision ]
Thx Aaron, a great ref! I think something is still unclear though. I'm going to edit the question accordingly

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Tao is great but this is simply not a valid answer to the original question. Tao's text is pretty much purely mathematical and makes no physics (QFT, renormalization) analysis of the situation whatsoever - namely the coupling constants, counterterms or regulators, symmetries constraining the laws of physics if any, and the dependence or independence of physical observables on these things. So -1.

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+ 5 like - 0 dislike

Although, I do not know if a general proof exists, I think that the Casimir effect of a renormalizable quantum field theory should be completely understood by means of a theory of renormalization on manifolds with boundary. The key feature is that one cannot, in general, neglect the renormalization of the coupling constants in the boundary terms. Using this strategy, Bondag and Vassilevich observed that the renormalization of the surface tension term (The full action including the surface terms is given in equation 44) provides a counterterm which cancels a divergent term in the Casimir energy of a dielectric ball which cannot be canceled by the zero point energy subtraction (as was pointed out by the same authers together with Kirsten in a a previous work). In the later work, the authers verified that the model including the surface terms is renormalizable at one loop.

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answered Jan 1, 2012 by David Bar Moshe (4,355 points) [ no revision ]
Good physics answer, +1, as opposed to just cheap production of URLs to worshiped Fields medal winners who, despite their greatness, provide pretty much zero contribution to the answer to the original question, namely what is adjustable about the parameters describing these physical situations (plates vs other geometries).

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One has to understand that any boundary condition (like E=0) is a solution to the coupled equations of charges and fields. So the Casimir effect is an **interaction of charges** in QFT, not just a "vacuum field effect".

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+ 0 like - 1 dislike

Quantities we can measure in the lab are finite. We have mathematical models which, when used naively, yield infinite values for quantities that we can measure. Consider these infinite values artifacts of the specific mathematical model/tool/computation method. If one can identify ways in which a particular type of infinity consistently arises in a mathematical model/method, then one can keep track of it and "subtract if off" (i.e. renormalize it away) in a consistent manner.

If, for a particular way of calculating, infinities arises in a haphazard way ... then, there is no way to remove it in a mathematically consistent manner and you don't hear about that particular way.

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answered Jan 2, 2012 by André_2 (-10 points) [ no revision ]

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