I would like to initiate some general sharing of experience/advice about this curious balance that US grad students need to strike between devoting time to research, learning and the TA job.
I am more inclined to know of how things work from the perspective of string theory students.
{I am aware that there are grad schools where students don't have to do a TA}
By "learning" - I mean doing grad courses. Though I guess the best of string theory grad students don't do any grad courses. Thats what I have been feeling from talking to some people! Otherwise how many grad courses a semester or for how many semesters is typical for string theory people?
And for TA responsibilities - I guess officially 20hrs of commitment a week is typical. Though I guess most students don't spend more than 12-15hrs a week on it.
I would like to hear some discussions on how do people strike this difficult balance between these three aspects. When doing courses doesn't it necessarily kill research time? Doesn't the TA job feel like an impediment to everything useful that could be done?
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