The starting points for the construction of the Chern-Simons terms are objects called Chern-Pontryagin densities. On a 2n dimensional manifold, these are of the form P2n=αϵμ1μ2...μ2nTrFμ1μ2...Fμ2n−1μ2n
where F is the curvature 2-form of some G-connection (G is the gauge group). These are gauge-invariant, closed, and their integral over the manifold M (compact, no boundary) is an integer which is a topological invariant. These sorts of invariants are examples of
characteristic classes.
Now P2n can be locally expressed as a differential P2n=d(C2n−1)
of a 2n-1 form.
C2n−1 is the Chern Simons form. (It can be written in the familiar form in terms of the connection form A). It has the remarkable property that if I perform a G-gauge transformation, the action obtained by integrating
C2n−1 is gauge-invariant. At no point is a metric involved in this construction, so it's a topological theory.
Anyway, getting back to the question, the Chern Pontryagin density P2n which we started with is only defined on a 2n (i.e even) dimensional manifold, so consquently the Chern-Simon's term is only defined on an odd dimensional one.
Edit: Example in which Chern Simon's term in 3d is produced:
The Chern-Pontryagin class is the integral of the C.P. density on a 4d manifold P∝∫d4xTr(∗FμνFμν)
∝∫d4x ϵμνρσTr(FμνFρσ)
We can write the C.P. density as the divergence of a 4-current (the Chern Simons current)
Cμ=ϵμνρσ tr(Aν∂ρAσ+23fabcAaνAbρAbσ)
If we now pick a local coordinate system (on the 4 manifold) such that
∂∂x0 (say) is in the direction of the vector
Cμ, then we just look at the other components in the epsilon symbol (they're guaranteed to be 1,2,3), then we just freeze the
x0 dependence of the
Aν(xμ). We've now got ourselves a 3 form on the three-manifold
x0 = constant.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-03-22 17:28 (UCT), posted by SE-user twistor59