What's the point of the Attributions link at the top right?
I don't understand why anyone would want to click on it, and so should be moved elsewhere. Likewise, the text about regaining an account should be put on the registration page. News: should be moved to the top of the box, to make clear what this bit of blue background is for.
Edit: The Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Generic license requires attributing work to authors or licensor in a specified manner.
When I first saw the attributions link, I didn't realize it was in fact a legal statement, and instead saw it as a pointless explanation of how questions and answers were imported from TP.SE. I therefore think the text should be changed from attributions to
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Generic license: Attribution
This way, people logging on for the first time can see that it's some sort of legal blurb. I also think it should be put on the bottom of the text box, separate from everything else.