In this video lecture about mathematical physics (after 1:20:00) Carl Bender explains that allowing the energy of a complex classical oscillator to become imaginary can some kind of mimic quantum behavior of the system.
To explain this, he uses the example of a classical particle with the potential energy given by
If the energy of the particle is larger than the energy of the ground state (but smaller than the barrier between the two potential wells) E1>E0 it can oscillate in one of the two potential wells centereed around the two minima of V(x), but not travel between them.
However, allowing the energy of the particle to become imaginary, say
the trajectories of the particle in the complex plane are no longer closed and it can some kind of "tunnel" between the two potential wells. The "tunneling time" T is related to the imaginary part of the energy as
In addition, Carl Bender mentions that taking the limit ε→0 of such a complex oscillator system some kind of mimics the process of taking the classical limit of a quantum system.
What are the limitations of this analogy between a complex oscillator with imaginary energy and a "real" quantum system (no pun intended ;-) ...)?
An aside: the jumping between the two potential wells of a complex oscillator with imaginary energy reminded me of a Lorenz Attractor ...