Considering the definition of the SI unit of "length" [1] and [2 (" method a.")] I'm missing any requirements about the two "ends" of the required "path travelled by light" being "at rest to each other", or at least "rigid to each other".
Are such requirements perhaps presumed to be understood implicitly?
Accordingly, if some particular pair of "ends", A and B, in some particular trial, were characterized as having been a certain "lenght of xm apart from each other", where "x" is some particular positive real number and "m" denotes the SI base unit "metre", is it then understood:
that ends A and B had observed exchanging signal pings between each other; and not only once for each trial, but for any of their signal indications throughout a sufficiently extended trial?,
that for any two (distinct) signal indications AJ and AK of end A during this trial the corresponding ping durations of end A were equal to each other:
τA[J,B®AJ®]=τA[K,B®AK®] ?,
that for any two (distinct) signal indications BP and BQ of end B during this trial the corresponding ping durations of end B were equal to each other:
τB[P,A®BP®]=τB[Q,A®BQ®] ?, and
that for any signal indications AJ of end A and any signal indication BP of end B during this trial the corresponding ping durations were equal to each other:
τA[J,B®AJ®]=τB[P,A®BP®]=2xcm ?.
[1] SI brochure (8th edition, 2006), Section; ("The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second.").
[2] "the mise en pratique of the definition of the metre";
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-04-24 07:33 (UCT), posted by SE-user user12262