I guess that in Wαβ the indices i and j are here but not written and are contracted in W2 in the same way that in the first W2. So I can forget these indices in what follows.
I will show that the two W2 are the same if we have the relation
which is the same thing suggested by the first equation of the question up to the factor 1/2. I don't know if this factor is relevant. Given this relation, we have
Now the key point is the identity (*) (σμ)α˙α(σμ)α′˙α′=2εαα′ε˙α˙α′. Using (*) and the analoguous relation with the α's replaced by the β's, and simplifying the ϵ's (we have ε˙α˙α′ε˙α˙βε˙β˙β′ε˙α′˙β′=1), we obtain
Proof of (*): the identity (*) is a part of a large class of identities generally referred to as Fierz identities. These identities are all consequences of the fact that the four matrices σμ are a basis of the four dimensional vector space of two by two complex matrices. See for example this question:
Using σ0=1, Tr(σi)=0, and Tr(σiσj)=2δij for i,j=1,2,3, we find that any two by two complex matrix M can be written M=12Tr(M)1+12Tr(Mσi)σi. Applying this to M being the matrix Mα˙α(β˙β)=δαβδ˙α˙β (the matrices M(β˙β) form a natural basis of the space of two by two complex matrice) gives
δαβδ˙α˙β=12δβ˙βδα˙α+12(σi)˙ββ(σi)α˙α. Therefore,
In signature (+---), we have (σμ)α˙α(σμ)˙ββ=δβ˙βδα˙α−(σi)β˙β(σi)α˙α. Combining with the previous equality gives
(σμ)α˙α(σμ)˙ββ=2(δβ˙βδα˙α−δαβδ˙α˙β)=2εα˙βε˙αβ, hence (*).