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  Should we locally host tag wikis?

+ 1 like - 0 dislike

When I first suggested that tag wikis can be externally hosted, my main issue was that the tag wiki plugin displayed tag wikis in the sidebar, which had a terribly narrow width, and was therefore not suitable for containing long equations, etc. However, it later appeared that I was wrong, and tag wikis can be put below the heading.

So, why don't we start hosting tag wikis locally, instead? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the move.


  • Easier navigation (tag wiki on page)
  • Less chance of a clash with Wikia, in case they don't like PhysicsOverflow hosting tag wikis on a Wikia wiki, though they're policies don't seem to have any problem with this.
  • Better SEO
  • More compact
  • If one has written a tag wiki somewhere else, it will be easier for them to import the tag wiki here, since the tag wiki editor takes HTML input.
  • No need to add "Read More..." at the end of each tag wiki


  • Users will not be able to directly edit tag wikis, since the tag wiki plugin does not store revision histories (no integration with the edit history plugin), and cannot rep-restrict editing (only based on level: anybody, registered user, expert, editor, moderator, administrator, super-administrator)

Note that it is not possible to set up a mediawiki wiki at /wiki or something, because our host allows for only one database according to polarkernel...

A solution for the disadvantage highlighted above is to add a button "suggest edits" that looks exactly like the button below posts which links to the suggest edits page,... which, ironically is also hosted on the Mathematics and Physics Wiki.

Here's how the move would have to take place:

  • The existing tag wikis of string-theory and supersymmetry will have to be moved.
  • The "Tag Wikis" link in the navbar will have to be removed.
  • The "Tag Wikis" widget on the tags page will have to be removed.
  • The FAQ will have to be updated.
  • A "suggest edits" button will have to be added to all tag pages by default (both are jobs for @polarkernel).
    • If there already exists a tag description, this should be added at the top of the tag description. The existing button that says edit for admins only should continue to exist, for admins only.
    • If there does not exist a tag description, there should be a default tag wiki that says "This tag does not have a tag description yet" and the "suggest edits" button and the "edit" button (the latter is for admins only) should be displayed at the top and bottom of the tag description respectively.

So, what do the rest think about the idea of moving the tag descriptions back here?

asked Jun 5, 2014 in Discussion by dimension10 (1,985 points) [ no revision ]
retagged Jul 26, 2014 by dimension10

1 Answer

+ 1 like - 0 dislike

I always like it better, when things concerning PhysicsOverflow can be done and are resting directly on the site. So I think moving the tag wikis here is a good idea and the idea witht the suggested edits is a good solution to the drawbacks.

And who knows, maybe some time in the later (than months) future, the suggested edits can be done on site too ...

answered Jun 5, 2014 by Dilaton (6,240 points) [ no revision ]

Yes, I too wanted to mention the suggested edits once the discussion regarding this is over. Let's wait and listen to what others have to say, but we can safely assume that "silence means consent" in this case if nobody else says anything. 

I have completed the move now. I could add the suggest-edits button from the Widget Anywhere plugin.

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