I have a short question regarding the geometrical interpretation of the Hamilton-Jacobi-equation.
One has the geometric version of H∘dS=E as an lagrangian submanifold L=im(dS), which is transverse to the fasers of T∗Q and lies in the coisotropic submanifold H−1(E). Furthermore the pullback of the canonical one-form θ to L is exact.
The question is: Is L an embedded submanifold? I think if I have a solution S of the Hamilton-Jacobi-equation, then it generates an embedded submanifold dS(Q). But have I have to use an embedded langrangian submanifold to get an "analytical" solution or is an "normal" submanifold enough?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-07-22 05:16 (UCT), posted by SE-user Tobias Diez