An elementary direct strategy to prove the result is the following. Let us make things simpler, at least initially, referring to the elementary equation in R (the procedure easily extends to Rn and to Hamilton equations in particular)
Let us assume that two solutions x and x′ exist with the same initial condition x(0)=x0=x′(0). Finally suppose that dF/dx is bounded by some positive real L<+∞ (if dF/dx is continuous, it is automatically true working in a bounded neighbourhood).
I go to prove that it must be x(t)=x′(t) in a sufficiently small right neighbourhood of t=0.
The considered differential equation is equivalent to the integral one (as Ron said)
so that, we also have
and thus
Therefore, using Lagrange theorem (below, y(u) is some unknown point between x(u) and x′(u)),
We can now use the bound |dF/dx|≤L, obtaining
Obviously, if 0≤t≤T
so that
which eventually produces, since the bound must hold also for the value t=t0 where the (continuous) function in the left-hand side above attains its maximum,
We can take T>0 so small that 0<LT<1. In this case the found inequality can hold only if
and thus x(t)=x′(t) for t∈[0,T].
We have found that, at least in a sufficiently small neighbourhood [0,T] of the initial time (however the procedure can be implemented also for t<0), x(t)=x′(t). This reasoning, gluing together several patches, establishes the uniqueness of the solution on its whole domain.
Let us pass to the true Hamilton equations. The proof is essentially identical for a C2 Hamiltonian H defined an open set of R2n, with the following replacements.
where S is the symplectic 2n×2n matrix with −I, I on the anti diagonal and 0, 0 on the diagonal when viewed as 2x2 block matrix.
the Euclidean norm in R2n.