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asked Feb 20, 2015 in Public Official Posts by dimension10 (1,985 points) [ revision history ]
edited Mar 23, 2015 by dimension10

Add summary to https://www.physicsoverflow.org/41932/domain-acoustic-production-rodent-ultrasonic-vocalizations

Referee this paper: arXiv:1809.07929 by Matthew Dornfeld, Marcelo Magnasco,

 Oreste Piro 

Authors: Matthew DornfeldMarcelo MagnascoOreste Piro

Mammalian ultrasonic vocalization (USV) has been a subject of interest for decades. This interest has mainly been driven by the intelligence of dolphins and other odontocetes. However the semantic content of odontocete USV and its mechanism of production remain poorly understood. Serendipitously however many rodent species have convergently evolved the ability to produce USVs in a similar manner. In this paper we use rodent USV as a model process to help us gain insight into the production mechanism for mammalian USV as a whole. We derive a model that describes the production of rodent USVs by considering the interaction of an unstable jet, emerging from the vocal folds, with the passive resonance modes of the upper vocal tract. Thus our model is also a solution to a special case of the jet susceptibility problem. The derived model takes the form of a set of coupled nonlinear time domain ODEs, whose solutions are controlled by biologically relevant parameters such as subglottal pressure and vocal fold radius. In our analysis of the model we find the existence of a subglottal blowing pressure threshold (p≈710 Pa), above which steady acoustic oscillations occur. Furthermore we also reproduce the 22 kHz rat alarm call at realistic blowing pressures (p≈1500 Pa)

4 Answers

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[APPROVED by Dilaton]

Title clean up at http://physicsoverflow.org/33418/linear-involution-construct-adhm-data-hyper-ahler-quotient

inti- --> anti-

K/"ahler --> Kähler

Just cut and paste the following:

What is the anti-linear involution used to construct the ADHM data and the hyper-Kähler quotient?

Gotta feed those search engines

answered Sep 27, 2015 by Aabaakawad (55 points) [ revision history ]
edited Sep 27, 2015 by Dilaton
+ 1 like - 0 dislike

[APPROVED by Dilaton]

http://www.physicsoverflow.org/36903/trajectory-satelite-predicted-initial-velocity-position ought to read:

How can the trajectory of a satellite between the Moon and the Earth be predicted if the initial velocity and position are known?

How can this be solved if it is assumed that the satellite does not affect the motion of the Earth and the Moon?

answered Aug 20, 2016 by PeterMortensen (0 points) [ revision history ]
edited Aug 20, 2016 by Dilaton

Thanks, done.

+ 1 like - 0 dislike

[APPROVED by Dilaton]

Summary suggestion for the review of Ideal clocks - a convenient fiction

abstract : We show that no device built according to the rules of quantum field theory can measure proper time along its path. Highly accelerated quantum clocks experience the Unruh effect, which inevitably influences their time rate. This contradicts the concept of an ideal clock, whose rate should only depend on the instantaneous velocity.

The authors derive analytically from a simplest case of a uniform acceleration through the study of a decaying particle in a cavity that the time measured by a clock depends on its acceleration and even more for a general accelerated motion.

They conclude that "All known physical processes and consequently all devices must become sensitive to their accelerations at certain scales and therefore the rate of any physical clock must inevitably differ from the idealized formula" and suggest further (numerical) evaluations of the impact.

answered Oct 25, 2016 by igael (360 points) [ revision history ]
edited Oct 25, 2016 by Dilaton

@igael thanks for the nice summary; maybe you could also write a review for the paper if you have read it in some detail?

It would not have to be a full review like for a peer-reviewd journal that considers all details of the paper. On PhysicsOverflow reviews (answers to submissions) that discuss partial aspects of the work at hand are also highly welcome and appreciated.

@Dilaton: it is difficult because the authors come and go from classical relativities to QFT. Many assumptions have to be checked precisely, for example when they apply GR to the decay with a precise number of particles ( one ) and a very precise trajectory. For me, it is unclear how this may apply to quantum entities. Nevertheless, it is a very interesting document as much for the exercise ( (11) -> (25) ! ) and its fundamental contents. Notice that there is an older similar work on the effects on time of the "Casimir effect". Probably in a few weeks...

@igael yes, I think writing reviews is rather difficult and time-consuming, if one wants to do a reasonable job. So take your time ;-)

Of course there also seem to be exceptional people who seemingly produce them without any effort, such as Lubos for example who often writes about good and bad papers on his blog ...

Lubos, Ron, Arnold ? I don't try to compete at all. Reading them is a sufficient pleasure  :)

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[APPROVED by dimension10]

I suggest the inclusion of the abstract in the page Identification of a gravitational arrow of time


answered Jul 21, 2018 by igael (360 points) [ revision history ]
edited Jul 23, 2018 by dimension10


thank you

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