At tree level, the Kähler potential is given by (neglecting complex structure)
where VCY=16κabctatbtc ia the the two cycle volume.
In some literature this is written in form of Kähler moduli variables as VCY=−i(ρa−¯ρa)ta where ρ=b+iτ. τ here is 4 cycle modulus.
In some other literature this is given as VCY=−3i(ρ−ˉρ) where ρ=b+ie4u. u fixes the volume of Calabi-Yau.
So my question is are these two equivalent? Would the ρˉρ component of the Kähler metric be the same?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2015-04-25 19:21 (UTC), posted by SE-user sol0invictus