Let's assume we have Higgs fields in some representation R, of a gauge group G as for example SO(10), that can be written as a matrix. Then given a vev written as a matrix how can I compute which generators remain unbroken after the Higgs fields get a vev?
For concreteness, let's consider the SO(10) example. The gauge bosons live in the adjoint 45-dim rep. Because 10⊗10=(1⊕54)S⊕45, we can write each gauge boson as a (antisymmetric) 10×10 matrix M45. Further let's assume we have Higgs fields in the 54 dimensional representation. For the same reason we can write these 54 Higgs fields as (symmetric) 10×10 matrices M54.
Then how can I compute which generators remain unbroken when some of the Higgs fields (or just one) gets a vev? (The vev is then a 10×10 matrices M54VEV)
Three possibilities that come to my mind:
- M45M54VEV=0
- M45M54VEVMT45=0
- [M45,M54VEV]=0