Let's assume Mathieu equation:
Here A(t),q(t) are slowly decreased with time functions (i.e., |˙A(t)|<A(t),|˙q(t)|<q(t)), and in initial moment of time A(t0)<2q(t0). Eq. (1) describes, for example, magnetic field evolution in presence of axion field and preheating in an expanding Universe.
I look for exponentially growing solutions of Eq. (1); more precisely, I need to determine the Floquet exponent μ, y(t)∼et∫μ(t)dt. If I temporary assume that q(t),A(t) are constans, then (1) is reduced to Mathieu equation for case A−2q<0, called Mathieu equation with negative instability. Unfortunately, I haven't found an expression for Floquet exponent for this case.
Can someone give the reference in which this case is treated? I note that it is different from case which is described in famous article by Kofman, Linde and Starobinsky, where always A−2q>0.