In Polyakov's book, he explains that one possible way to compute the propagator for a point particle is to compute the lattice sum ∑Px,x′exp(−m0L[Px,x′]), where the sum goes over all paths between x and x′. One then needs to compute this sum and choose the bare mass so that there's a good continuum limit.
Polyakov then goes on to say that this doesn't work for string theory. I skimmed the literature and couldn't find any explanation of this fact. Naively I would think that in order to find the propagator, you could just compute the sum ∑WC,C′exp(−T0A[WC,C′]), where the sum is over worldsheets that end on the curves C and C′. What goes wrong? Is this just a hard sum to do?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2015-11-08 10:05 (UTC), posted by SE-user Matthew