where do questions come from? users learning a scientific branch. afaik most commiters here already have a degree or came casually to physics.SE when learning on their own around programming Q&A on SO. So we have not much graduate and phd students imho currently here. We can only invite them one by one. Thats counterproductive to grow this site imho
I dont give the area51 metrics much value, esp. for scientific sites not related to programming or programmer's hobbies. Easy examples i visited for a while now: astronomy.SE and philosophy.SE.
These sites got pretty fast few 100s questions and out of private beta, BUT are currently imploding, as nearly no student of philosphy or astronomy is visiting these sites (its below a dozen experts on these sites), many interested in, but no one really learning astro/phil and asking more and more better and more deeper questions. Were the area51 constraints and metics valuable/helpful to establish mid and long-term quantity & quality on those sites. IMHO not very much. I really hope it gets better, as interesting topics, but you clearly see the problem of those sites. Alot programmers where hobby interested in it (just look on most upvoted questinos - black holes dark matter (where most user dont have any math/phy background to really understand anything) theology god proof etc. but not really questions about modern problems in current research of astronomy/philsophy). It will be very hard to attract any astro/phil students to these sites now with current user base and quality.
So please, dont care too much about area51 metrics, they will not guarentee you any quality/quantity if not directly related to programming and alot smart & highly educated & experienced commiters in it. Thats why CSTheory works, but mentioned sites not.
I hope this sites gets as soon as possible in public beta so students can invite other students exponetnially and not only commiters their friends linearly. TheoPhy is no niche branch like CStheory. People in theo. Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Meteorlogy have to deal with it and i hope to see here more questions apart from particle physics. There is no risk to lower the quality by starting public beta now with less questions than on astro/philosophy, as this is a isolated topic (without academic background in math/phy you will not Q/A here in contrast to astro/phil)
imho the SE guys created a top-notch system, but as i stated on area51 and metaphysics they fail to see that while thier voting and metrics systems works for topics related to programming excellently, its not so well suited for evaluating and starting dynamics and quality of topics on natural sciences. In the worst case you block up community dynamics like imho here or draw the wrong conclusions based on a misleading comparison of metrics of other successful sites, but with totally different topic and user base. apples and pears...
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