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  What is going to happen in 2 days?

+ 7 like - 0 dislike

The 90 days of the beta will be over. 3/5 stats in area 51 for this beta are showing "needs work". Does it mean the site is going to be closed? If so, will it at least be accessible as an archive?

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asked Dec 11, 2011 in SE.TP.discussion by Squark (1,725 points) [ no revision ]
That is for the power that be to decide, but my understanding is that 90 days is the earliest time a site can exit beta, if that is deemed appropriate. My expectation is that we might be in beta a little while longer, but certainly I don't see a reason the site should close down. Then again, not my decision.

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When we were in private beta, one of the SE staff mentioned something about the beta period being more like a year these days. Looking at the SE rankings there is no site ahead of us which is newer than TP.SE, so while we haven't had explosive growth, I think we're doing ok.

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Even though I`m far from the level to actively participate in this site, I like it very much to silently read questions and answers here. I hope that this site stays alive...

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@Silent_Lurker, you can help out by regularly voting on questions and answers.

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Ok, that I can do :-)

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2 Answers

+ 10 like - 0 dislike

Nothing is scheduled to happen in the next two days. Currently, yes, the site's stats are pretty low on the traffic side. Traffic stats have in fact halved over the course of two months. It may come with the territory, but traffic must at least climb, not fall. The community should look into ways to promote the site and get new visitors.

The answer rate is also not too hot. 84% may not be too shy of our ideal 90%+, but when you've got so few questions to begin with, it does not ring very strong.

Because the saving grace of this community is its expertise. You have a wealth of quality content on the site, which is how we agreed to promote the site to public beta in spite of its low content quantity. At current, there are over 100 "Nice Question" badges and almost as many "Nice Answer" badges (posts with at least a score of 10). For having only 226 open questions, that's very impressive - it means we're hosting quality content that people are finding useful. Compare DSP, which had the same private beta troubles and has roughly the same number of questions, but it has far fewer high voted posts despite being a month older.

I would not say the site is in danger of closing any time soon, but now is the time to try and take action for getting traffic. This low stat must be corrected to stand a chance.

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answered Dec 12, 2011 by Grace Note (0 points) [ no revision ]
+ 6 like - 0 dislike

There's nothing inherently special about the "90th day." It's one of the minimum requirements for a site to be eligible for graduation, but that doesn't mean a site will graduate on it's 90th day… or be shut down. It just doesn't work that way.

When Will My Site Graduate?

Does this site have a chance of succeeding?

This post has been migrated from (A51.SE)
answered Dec 12, 2011 by Robert Cartaino (0 points) [ no revision ]

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