Consider an ensemble of n relativistic particles of fixed masses mi≥0, i=1,…,n with four momenta pi such that p2i=m2i. In center of mass frame they sum up to P=p1+⋯+pn=(E,0,0,0),
E>m1+...+mn is fixed number (last inequality is to exlude trivial case in which all particles are at rest).
The set of all possible configurations (p1,...,pn) satisfying these two constraints, i.e. n-tuples of vectors such that each is on mass shell and they sum up to our fixed vector is a compact subspace of R4n. If all masses are strictly greater than zero then the implicit function theorem implies that it is actually a smooth submanifold of dimension 3n−4, but if some masses are nonzero I'm not sure if one can exclude existence of cusps.
For example for n=2 three spatial components of equation P=p1+p2 and mass-shell condition imply that they are of the form p1=(√m21+→p2,→p), p2=(√m22+→p2,−→p). Energy equation E=√m21+→p2+√m22+→p2 fix length of →p uniquely. However angles of →p remain unspecified. Therefore set of all solutions is a sphere.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2016-10-30 15:22 (UTC), posted by SE-user Blazej