In the late 1960's Penrose developed twistor theory, which (amongst other things) lead to an exceptional description for solutions to the wave equation on Minkowski space via the so-called Penrose transform;
where Γ⊂CP1 is a closed contour and f is holomorphic on CP1 except at some number of poles, then u satisfies the Minkowski wave (Laplace-Beltrami) equation ◻ηu=0.
I am aware that there is a number of works in the literature describing twistor theory on curved manifolds, but have not seen explicit constructions along the lines of (1) such that the function u satisfies a wave equation of the form ◻gu=0 for (Lorentzian) metric g.
Is it known how to explicitly construct contour integrals similar to (1) for some class of metrics g? What about when g is Einstein (e.g. Schwarzschild), in particular? Are there topological obstructions in spacetimes I×Σ? What about de-Sitter space?
This post imported from StackExchange MathOverflow at 2016-12-22 17:28 (UTC), posted by SE-user Arthur Suvorov