I believe the following uncertainty principle to be true in the regime v<<c :
Is there any astrophysical situation which can test this?
I recently had the following idea in the regime of quantum mechanics and gravity v<<c: we can the Heisenberg picture we define an acceleration operator and using Einstein's equivalence principle we state it must be equivalent to g operator (quantum mechanical version of g field) and thus we proceed to find an uncertainty principle.
Mathematical Details
We use the heisenberg picture to define velocity ˆv:
Now we can again differentiate to get acceleration ˆa:
Going back to the Schrodinger picture:
We can simplify the calculation by splitting the Hamiltonian into potential ˆV and kinetic energy ˆT: ˆH=ˆT+ˆV
By noticing (one can also calculate this) that the acceleration of an object in a constant potential is 0:
We also know [ˆV,ˆx]=0 as potential is a function of position. Thus, we can simplify acceleration as:
Now from the equivalence principle we know that the effect of acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity. Using this fact:
However, ˆg does not commute with ˆp (it commutes with position). Using the anti-commutator (rather than the commutator) we should observe:
By Schwatz inequality |⟨˙U⟩+⟨p⟩⟨g⟩| is 0 only when U is constant.