My question is regarding supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory in two dimensions. In particular, I am interested in the supersymmetry which is preserved by Witten's topological A-twisting. It seems to me that quantum corrections result in an anomaly that breaks this supersymmetry. However, I doubt that this is accurate because I have not seen this in the literature, and am trying to show that there is in fact no anomaly.
On a worldsheet parametrized by x1 and x2, the action is S=12π12e2∫d2x((F12)2+∂μσ∂μ¯σ−(D)2−i¯λ+(∂−)λ+−i¯λ−(∂+)λ−),
∂±=i∂2±∂1, and
d2x=dx1dx2 with
x2 understood to be the Euclidean time direction) and it is invariant under the following supersymmetry transformations, generated by the supercharge
QA δQAA1 = iϵ(¯λ+−λ−)2δQAλ− = ϵ∂−σδQAA2 = ϵ(¯λ++λ−)2δQA¯λ+ = ϵ∂+σδQAσ = 0δQA¯λ− = −iϵ(F12+D)δQA¯σ = −iϵ(¯λ−+λ+)δQAλ+ = iϵ(F12+D)δQAD=12ϵ(∂−¯λ+−∂+λ−).
We need to fix a gauge in order to quantize the theory, so we shall choose the Lorentz gauge
|ψ⟩ and
|ψ′⟩ are physical states) by including the following BRST gauge fixing action
b and
c are fermionic ghost fields, while
B is an auxiliary bosonic field. Now, both
S and
SBRST are invariant under the corrected supersymmetry transformations generated by
δˆQAA1 = iϵ(¯λ+−λ−)2+iϵ∂1cδˆQAλ− = ϵ∂−σδˆQAA2 = ϵ(¯λ++λ−)2+iϵ∂2cδˆQA¯λ+ = ϵ∂+σδˆQAσ = 0δˆQA¯λ− = −iϵ(F12+D)δˆQA¯σ = −iϵ(¯λ−+λ+)δˆQAλ+ = iϵ(F12+D)δˆQAD=12ϵ(∂−¯λ+−∂+λ−)
In particular,
δ2ˆQA=0 on all fields. The Noether charge
ˆQA is computed to be
\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \hat{Q}_A=&\frac{1}{2\pi}\int dx^1\Big(- \frac{i}{{e} ^2 } {F}_{12}\big(\frac{(\overline{ {\lambda}}_{+}-{ {\lambda}}_{-})}{2} +\partial_1 {c}\big) \\& - \frac{1}{2 {e} ^2}(\overline{ {\lambda}}_{-}+{ {\lambda}}_{+})i\partial_2 {\sigma} + \frac{1}{2 {e} ^2}(\overline{ {\lambda}}_{-}-{ {\lambda}}_{+c})\partial_1 {\sigma} %-\frac{i}{2}\sum_j^N\sum ^k\sum_d^k {Q}_{jc}v^j_d%\partial_1\tic (\theta^d-\overline{\theta}^d) \\& +\frac{1}{2 {e} ^2}B\big(\frac{-i(\overline{ {\lambda}}_{+}+{ {\lambda}}_{-})}{2}+\partial_2 {c} \big)+\frac{1}{2 {e} ^2}\partial_2b {\sigma} \Big) \end{aligned} \end{equation}
Then, using the nonzero canonical commutation relations \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \lbrack {\sigma} (x^1), \frac{1}{2 {e}^2}\partial_2\overline{ {\sigma}}(y^1) \rbrack&= 2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1)\\ \{ {\lambda}_{\pm}(x^1),\frac{1}{2 {e}^2} \overline{ {\lambda}}_{\pm }(y^1)\}&=2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1)\\ \lbrack {A}_{1}(x^1),-\Big(\frac{1}{ {e} ^2} {F}_{12}(y^1) \Big)\rbrack&=2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1)\\ %\lbrack {A}_{1c}(x^1),-\frac{1}{2 % {e}^2}\big(2 {F}_{12d}(y^1)-i\sum_j^N \sum_e^k % {Q}_{jd} v^j_e \textrm{Im}(\theta^e(y^1))\big)%\rbrack&=2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1)\\ \lbrack {A}_{2}(x^1),\frac{1}{2 {e}^2}(-iB(y^1))\rbrack&=2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1)\\ \{ {b} (x^1),\frac{1}{2 {e}^2}\big(\partial_2 {c}(y^1)\big)\}&=2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1)\\ \{ {c} (x^1),\frac{1}{2 {e}^2}\big(\partial_2 {b}(y^1)\big)\}&=2\pi \delta(x^1-y^1),\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}
we find
\begin{equation}\label{anomaly} \begin{aligned} \hat{Q}_A^2=\frac{1}{2}\{\hat{Q}_A,\hat{Q}_A\} %=&\frac{1}{2}\int dx^1\int dy^1\{\hat{J}^2(x^1),\hat{J}%^2(y^1)\} =&\frac{1}{2\pi}\int dx^1 \Big( \frac{i}{ {e} ^2 } {F}_{12}\partial_1 {\sigma} -\frac{i}{ {e} ^2 } {F}_{12}\partial_1 {\sigma} \\& - \big(\frac{1}{2 {e} ^2}\big)\partial_2 {\sigma} B \Big) \\ =&\frac{1}{2\pi}\int dx^1 \Big( - \big(\frac{1}{2 {e} ^2}\big)\partial_2 {\sigma} B \Big) \end{aligned} \end{equation}
Now, if
ˆQ2A is nonzero, there can be no ground states annihilated by
ˆQA, and therefore supersymmetry is broken. I suspect that this is not true in the case at hand, but there is still a term proportional to
B present. This term is actually the generator of time-dependent gauge symmetries, i.e., it generates the gauge transformations of
A2. Why should it annihilate physical states?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2017-02-26 23:00 (UTC), posted by SE-user Mtheorist