Bose-Einstein condensation is a different phase of matter, meaning that you need to go through a phase transition to reach it. Hence, some thermodynamics quantities (or their derivatives) will exhibit a discontinuity the usual one for the BEC is the heat capacity.
Since it's a phase transition, you want to find the critical value of the parameter which is driving it. <br> This is the temperature, and it is Tc.
The physical meaning of the BEC is a saturation effect. <br> For non-interacting bosons, the mean occupancy state j is given by:
Now you see that the ground state E0, the occupancy is infinity. This is because for the E0 state the chemical potential μ also needs to be zero, in order to guarantee f to still be positive. Physically, the chemical potential is defined as ∂U/∂N, i.e. the energy added when you add one particle to the system. But if you add it to the E=0 state, then the extra energy is 0...
Bose-Einstein condensation begins when you saturate the excited states and start macroscopically occupying the ground state, which has infinite occupancy.
Below Tc, f(E0) starts blowing up so it does not make sense using the above distribution anymore, since the atoms start amassing into the ground state. <br>
So Tc is extracted from when your total N is equal to the number of atoms in the excited states, Nex=∫∞0dEg(E)f(E) where g(E) is the *density of states*, i.e. the number of states in a given interval [E,E+dE]. The sum should have been over the *states*, but I changed it to the *energy* E just by introducing this density of states term.
The density of states g(E) scales with the number of dimensions d. For a free d dimensional system it goes as g(E)∝Ed/2−1, while for d dimensional harmonic potential it scales as g(E)∝Ed−1.
In general you can write:
with α being the number of degrees of freedom in the system divided by 2. For free particles in d dimensions, α=d/2, and for a d dimensional harmonic potential, the degrees of freedom are 2d (d translations and d oscillations) so α=d. All agree with the above.
The integral above can be rewritten as:
where I defined x as E/kTc.
The intregral
with Γ being the gamma function, ζ being the Riemann zeta function.
Which gives you:
To have a BEC transiton, you want Tc≠0, i.e. a non-trivial solution.
In free space, d=2,3,4 have α=1,3/2,2:
αΓ(α)ζ(α)1/2integral does not converge11∞3/2√π/22.61221π2/6………
So in a free system with d=1,2 the only solution is Tc=0, but for d>2, Tc is finite.
Hence, in 2D you may well have a lot of bosons in the ground state. But they are not forced to be there because of saturation, therefore it is not a distinct phase of matter. And the heat capacity (or whatever) will not have discontinuities.