The Grassmann analytic continuation principle says that a real function f(x,ξ) that depends on n real variables x=(x1,…,xn) and n nilpotent Grassmann numbers ξ=(ξ1,…,ξn) has the following Taylor expansion containing only a finit (2n?) number of terms
where the ξj∈Gn which is the fermionic part of the supermanifold at hand are given by
The θi are the generators of Gn, α=(α1,…,αn)∈Nn, and
How is this related to expanding a superfield in Grassmann coordinates?
For example, a a scalar superfiled F(x,θ1,θ2) that depends on the ordinary
spacetime coordinates as well as on two Grassmann coordinates can be expanded as
Comparing this expansion to the Grassmann analytic continuation principle above I would think that in this specific case we have n=2, α=(α1,α2) and ξ=ξα11ξα22 as there are two Grassmann coordinates in addition to conventional spacetiem.
The first thing I dont understand is why in the Grassmann analytic continuation principle the function is not expanded directly in the θi but the ξ are used instead which makes it hard for me to see what is going on.
Otherwise, I would have guessed that from setting α1=0 and α2=0 the coefficient A(x) would correspond to f(x), from setting α=(2,1) one obtains B(x)=∂f∂θ1, from setting α=(1,2) C(x)=∂f∂θ2 and from α=(1,1) one has D(x)=∂2f∂θ1∂θ2