If you make a waveguide for a laser in two tubes along the length, that connect along the length, so a cross section is the 2d horn torus, you can fire many of those lasers over a sphere, filled with condensed matter. The laser beams are separated in space inside the sphere, but locally are separated bundles of 5 or 6 around a central beam. The laser beams "reach out" and form connections between two beams, so those 5 or 6 get reduced to this: two distinct beams connect, but in the space between connections is empty space. Where the two beams connect along the length as the two beams are directed towards the center are regular repeating 2d horn tori. The one of those connected beams can rotate and "connect" with another beam, and in that vacant space between those two beams, a photon flows up a tube of those horn tori. So you have light/dark separations, with horn tori in the pattern in the beams, with empty space between two lit beams, sending photons elsewhere in the sphere, and the beams rotate and connect to a neighbor lit beam and in the empty space, the photon gets sent somewhere else.
I believe you can quantum compute with this, the light/dark beams in effect form ribs along a resultant torus in the sphere, or "cuts" in the wave pattern of the one atom in the condensate. I can draw this if you want. My question is how to quantum compute with this, as I assume the photons go up to the surface of the sphere, and try to bubble out. Could the photons bubbling be the same as water splashing on a piece of paper, which forms distinct channels exactly the same as a chain link fence flowing in that 2d diamond pattern. Would channels on the inner or possible -the other side of the inside surface-, the outside of the sphere where the bubbles are trying to be released, could you form channels in its surface with gates. Perhaps, you can simply have gates on that channeled surface, and the computation gets done inside the sphere, with the braiding of the laser beams inside the sphere as described be where the computation is, and what you want computed in a channeled photon flow on the outside surface of the sphere controlled with quantum gates? The reason the braid are quantum is that cross sections of the are horn tori which have a vortex, and the vortex is in a condensate, so it would be a quantum vortex or a quantum braid.
Here's what I have here, the intersection of two channels on the outside of the sphere, is a torus and could possibly be a pauli-x gate or not gate, in that the channels, cut the same as a chain link fence, or repeating diamonds, if you draw two tubes that connect, you'll see a torus form, so that may be a starting point for me, to look at those channels and see how you can manipulate the flow of light along those channels to compute ultimately within the sphere, where the condensate is.