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  Braiding Majorana Bound States

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If you make a waveguide for a laser in two tubes along the length, that connect along the length, so a cross section is the 2d horn torus, you can fire many of those lasers over a sphere, filled with condensed matter.  The laser beams are separated in space inside the sphere, but locally are separated bundles of 5 or 6 around a central beam.  The laser beams "reach out" and form connections between two beams, so those 5 or 6 get reduced to this: two distinct beams connect, but in the space between connections is empty space.  Where the two beams connect along the length as the two beams are directed towards the center are regular repeating 2d horn tori.  The one of those connected beams can rotate and "connect" with another beam, and in that vacant space between those two beams, a photon flows up a tube of those horn tori.  So you have light/dark separations, with horn tori in the pattern in the beams, with empty space between two lit beams, sending photons elsewhere in the sphere, and the beams rotate and connect to a neighbor lit beam and in the empty space, the photon gets sent somewhere else.

I believe you can quantum compute with this, the light/dark beams in effect form ribs along a resultant torus in the sphere, or "cuts" in the wave pattern of the one atom in the condensate.  I can draw this if you want.  My question is how to quantum compute with this, as I assume the photons go up to the surface of the sphere, and try to bubble out.  Could the photons bubbling be the same as water splashing on a piece of paper, which forms distinct channels exactly the same as a chain link fence flowing in that 2d diamond pattern.  Would channels on the inner or possible -the other side of the inside surface-, the outside of the sphere where the bubbles are trying to be released, could you form channels in its surface with gates.  Perhaps, you can simply have gates on that channeled surface, and the computation gets done inside the sphere, with the braiding of the laser beams inside the sphere as described be where the computation is, and what you want computed in a channeled photon flow on the outside surface of the sphere controlled with quantum gates?  The reason the braid are quantum is that cross sections of the are horn tori which have a vortex, and the vortex is in a condensate, so it would be a quantum vortex or a quantum braid.

Here's what I have here, the intersection of two channels on the outside of the sphere, is a torus and could possibly be a pauli-x gate or not gate, in that the channels, cut the same as a chain link fence, or repeating diamonds, if you draw two tubes that connect, you'll see a torus form, so that may be a starting point for me, to look at those channels and see how you can manipulate the flow of light along those channels to compute ultimately within the sphere, where the condensate is.

Closed as per community consensus as the post is not a real question
asked May 3, 2017 in Closed Questions by anonymous [ revision history ] 1 flag
recategorized May 4, 2017 by Dilaton

Not a real question, voting to close.

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3 Answers

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If the sphere is mirrored, and the beams directed through holes in that mirrored surface, the outside of the sphere is a regularly repeating column of lasers, which, since the laser is vortexed, those columns act as waveguides, so light from all the beams will generate a flow on the surface of the mirrored surface between those columns.  Pulsing the laser, would form a vacant space, just like below in the spherel.  The vacant spaces are where photons flow between two lit beams in the sphere.  If a vacant space is on the outer mirrored surface, or a space between a single laser beam by pulsing, light from the outer surface can flow into that space, and will be channeled through the "braids" inside the sphere.  Pulsing the beam is what can be controlled and I assume that this would be a good spot to investigate.  By the way, I'm editing my original post.

answered May 3, 2017 by anonymous [ no revision ]
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By halting the laser, light that's flowing along the mirrored surface would flow into the gap by halting the laser, and would probably form an unlit torus.  Regularly halting all the beams would form a train of unlit torus (you can imagine the light "stringing" out into the entrance into the sphere from the halted laser) and curling up into an unlit torus, because it's now stringy, whereas in the laser beam, it's a vortex laser that fills a waveguide.  The stringy torus is light strung out and now fills that gap as an unlit torus.  Creating an array of unlit torus by regularly halting is an array of unlit tori that fill the sphere.  The joining across from laser beams is random and would look like a cellular automata of tori that become lit when there is a join across a gap filled by an unlit torus.  So you have cellular automata, with strings of light flowing through them as a picture of what was just described.  I believe that this is what I was describing in my first post, and can form random automata (checked), random quantum circuits (will have to describe), and random neurons or clouds of intelligence that form from randomness.

answered May 3, 2017 by TB [ no revision ]
+ 0 like - 1 dislike

Strobing all the laser beams creates gaps, but no apparant gaps.  If there were gaps, light would string in and form unlit stringy torus in gaps where the laser vortex filled the entire waveguide as it enters the sphere.  Then all you have is stringy unlit tori, but since the laser beam forms columns on the outside of the sphere (mirrored sphere), the columns force extraneous light flow among the columns, and produces vortexed lasers flowing between columns of the laser beams.  Those vortexed lasers will flow from among the columns inside the sphere, and it will "light the tori it flows through" and the ones it doesn't remain dark.  In a planar column, it's an automata or punch card of a binary computer.  If several strings flow into a single hole of a torus and into a bounded planar region, it will form a quantum circuit.  If several strings circulate in apparant wavelike motion along the length of a string, it will form a small 3d wave circulation, that will assemble into clouds, that forms the intelligence.  This computer will not be designed but will form intelligence randomly, just as how a black hole achieves intelligence.  Several strings whipping around a single column of tori can enter leave and enter into one torus forming a weave and freezing the light.

answered May 3, 2017 by TB [ no revision ]

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