There is a deformation quantization approach to the quantization of the Grassmannians taking their Kähler symplectic form as the starting point. You can find this in the preprint by Schirmer arXiv:q-alg/9709021 from the nineties. He wrote a PhD on that. There are many earlier works on the quantization of CPn in the same spirit, starting perhaps with works of Moreno and collaborators in the early eighties. You find many references in Schirmer's preprint.
However, this is not directly a C∗-algebraic approach, if you are interested in things like that. Nevertheless, the (a priori formal) star product is algebraic on many nice functions (the representative functions).
This post imported from StackExchange MathOverflow at 2017-09-18 17:17 (UTC), posted by SE-user Stefan Waldmann