In the paper "More Abelian Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions",
on page 4, it is said that the theory
where fμν=∂μaν−∂νaμ, in the infrared limit (e→∞ α→∞), has no Maxwell term. i.e. 14e2da∧⋆da=0.
My understanding is the following.
1. Under a change of variables: x=x′/b, where 0<b<1, one has
where ∂′μ=∂/∂x′μ.
2. Defining new fields ϕ′=b−1/2ϕ, a′μ=b−1aμ and f′μν=∂′μa′ν−∂′νa′μ, one has
3. Defining new couplings 1/e′2=b/e2, and α′=b−1α, one has
Under the change of variables x=x′/b, the infrared limit is b→0+. This is equivalent to e′→∞ and α′→∞.
Is that correct? Do I need to compute the corresponding beta functions?