In the paper "A Duality Web in 2+1 Dimensions and Condensed Matter Physics",
it is claimed on page 1 that the two theories
are dual and flow to Wilson-Fisher fixed point in the IR, where ˆfμν=∂μˆbν−∂νˆbμ.
The classical mass dimensions are [ϕ]=[ˆϕ]=1/2, [B]=[ˆb]=1, [g]=[ˆg]=1, and [e]=1/2. In the IR limit, I expect that e→∞ and g,ˆg→∞, so I can drop the kinetic term of ˆb field dˆb∧∗dˆb, and the theories become strongly coupled.
However, from this bachelor thesis, the exact β-function of real ϕ4 scalar is computed via using the Wetterich's exact RG flow equation, which is widely used in the quantum gravity community.
It shows that the theory
has a Wilson-Fisher fixed point at
In D=2+1, the Wilson-Fisher fixed point has a finite coupling, with negative mass-squared −1/13, and so has a spontaneous symmetry breaking.
However, in the paper by Nathan Seiberg, T. Senthil, Chong Wang, Edward Witten, it clearly says that the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in 2+1 dimensions is massless.
Am I misunderstanding anything here?