Yes, there are generalizations of Rainich conditions to many others fields, including scalar fields, perfect fluids and null electromagnetic fields. (Indeed! The original form of the Rainich conditions were not conveniently formulated for electromagnetic fields F∈⋀2M whose both Poincaré invariant vanishes: F∧⋆F=0 and F∧F=0. This even lead some very good relativists even to doubt that null-electromagnetic fields could be present in electrovacuum solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations. Cf. for instance this paper by Louis Witten: "Geometry of Gravitation and Electromagnetism" here. Then Peres and Bonnor found some plane-fronted wave solutions to Einstein-Maxwell and showed that they were perfectly consistent.)
A complete review for all these types of Rainich conditions can be found is:
PS: Peres and Bonnor solutions (which describes some interesting coupled system of electromagnetic-gravitational waves) are here: (free access)