In the paper "Quantum Field Theory and Jones Polynomial", (equation 2.16, page 359), as well as in "Global Symmetries, Counterterms, and Duality in Chern-Simons Matter Theories with Orthogonal Gauge Groups" (equation 4.2 in page 33), the authors used a formula which is derived from the APS index theorem.
For example, in Witten's paper, equatin 2.16 says that
(the eta invariant in Witten's paper is half of the usual eta invariant) where G is a compact simple gauge group, c2(G) is its quadratic Casimir element, η(A) is the APS eta-invariant of a Dirac type operator twisted by the gauge field A, η(0) is the APS eta-invariant of trivial gauge A=0, and I[A] is the Chern-Simons action on a three dimensional manifold Y. i.e.
However, the APS index theorem is saying that
is a topological invariant, where M is a compact four dimensional manifold such that ∂M=Y, F=dA+A∧A is the curvature 2-form on the G-bundle E over M, and R is the Riemann tensor on M.
I want to prove Witten's formula (2.16). Let me assume a simple case when M is flat so that R=0. By using the Stoke's theorem, the APS index theorem implies that
is a topological invariant. Therefore, I expect that
Question: Where does the second order Casimir element come from?