If you have the equation
then for any twice differentiable function
f a solution is
Ψ(x0,x1):=f(x0−x1). This is a constant shape (given by
f) moving along the
x1-axis at constant speed
c. So if I consider the same solution at a different time,
x0+δx0, this implies
δx1=δx0 for looking at the same part of the moving shape.
Introducing the operators U and T you write a discretisation of the partial derivatives of the KG equation. The "="-sign between the l.h.s. and the r.h.s. of this discretisation implies a relation between cδt and δx, or δx0 and δx1 in my above notation, which quantities are classical throughout your entire argument. As |Ψ⟩ is to correspond to a solution of the KG equation, this relation is the one mentioned above, δx1=δx0.
Put somewhat differently, with the above relation between Ψ and f we have Ψ(x0,x1+δ)=f(x0−(x1+δ))=f((x0−δ)−x1)=Ψ(x0−δ,x1)
A shift from
x0−δ to
x0 is accompanied by a shift from
x1 to