Let $(M,g)$ be a spin manifold with spinorial connection $\nabla$. The Seiberg-Witten equations for spinorial connection are:
$$\nabla_Y \psi = -i g(Y,X) \psi$$
$$dX^*_+= i < (YZ-ZY).\psi ,\psi >$$
With $\psi$ a spinor and $X$ a vector field, $Y,Z$ are variable vector fields.
The gauge group is $f: M \rightarrow S^1$, it acts on the solutions:
$$f.(X,\psi )= (X+i \frac{df^*}{f}, f \psi)$$
The moduli space is the quotient by the action of the gauge group.
Can we make Seiberg-Witten theory for spinorial connection?