In the standard formulation of quantum theory observables are selfadjoint operators if referring to physical quantities whose values are described by real numbers. (A straightforward generalization, when admitting observables attaining complex values, is to represent them in terms of normal operators and this does not affect the discussion below.)
There are many motivations for this assumption. One, which can be traced back to von Neumann, relies upon the basic formulation in terms of elementary YES-NO propositions described in terms of orthogonal projectors, labeled by subsets (Borel sets) $E$ of $\mathbb{R}$: $P(E)$.
$P(E)$ corresponds to the proposition/elementary observable
"the outcome of the measurement of the considered observable belongs to the real subset $E$".
If $\rho$ state of the system,
$tr(\rho P(E))$ is the probability that the outcome of the observable belongs to $E$.
These families of projectors are projection valued measures, PVM, and their integrals
$$A = \int_{\mathbb{R}}\lambda dP_\lambda$$
are selfadjoint operators. Vice versa a self adjoint operator $A$ uniquely define a PVM $\{P^{(A)}(E)\}_{E\in B(\mathbb{R})}$ through the spectral theorem such that
$$A = \int_{\mathbb{R}}\lambda dP^{(A)}_\lambda$$
The correspondence $$A\quad \leftrightarrow \quad \{P^{(A)}(E)\}_{E\in B(\mathbb{R})}$$
is one-to-one. In this sense observables are selfadjoint operators.
This approach can be found in von Neumann's textbook, in Varadarajan's textbook and in other books on the foundations of quantum theory (including a pair of mine).
More recently, a more elaborated view has been presented in terms of quantum operations. A reason of this investigation is the attempt to define a realistic notion of the post measurement state $\rho'$. The standard notions based on von Neumann's, Luders' and von Neumann-Luders' postulates
$$\rho' = \frac{P^{(A)}(E)\rho P^{(A)}(E)}{tr(\rho P^{(A)}(E))}\:,$$
is nowadays considered quite unrealistic, also in view of a more elaborated quantum technology at our disposal.
Within this new approach the YES-NO elementary observables are replaced by so-called POVMs: measures valuated in terms of positive operators $\{Q(E)\}_{E\in B(\mathbb{R})}$ with $0\leq Q(E) \leq I$.
The physical genesis of this notion is a bit involved and based on an indirect measurement procedure which does not destroy the measured system. As a matter of fact, one measures, with a standard procedure, a second system S' (destroying it) that had a given (known) interaction with initial system S we want to measure.
If $\rho$ is the (generally mixed) state of $S$, $tr(\rho Q(E))$ is the probability that the outcome of the observable belongs to $E$.
The net effect on S is described, as said, with a POVM instead of a PVM. The advantage of this procedure is that it permits to control also the post measurement state of the system S.
A quick account on these ideas can be found in a nice paper by P. Busch [1].
Coming back to the main issue, even referring to POVMs, Hermitian operators pop out in any cases as consequence of remarkable results by Naimark.
If $\{Q(E)\}_{E \in B(\mathbb{R})}$ is a (normalized) POVM over the real line $\mathbb{R}$, there is a Hermitian operator $A$ associated to it, the unique satisfying
$$\langle \psi| A \phi\rangle = \int_{\mathbb{R}} \lambda \mu_{\psi,\phi}^{(Q)}(\lambda)$$
where (with some details I omit here on the domain of $A$)
$$\mu_{\psi,\phi}^{(Q)}(E) = \langle \psi| Q(E) \phi\rangle\:.$$
Vice versa (and this is the aforementioned result by Naimark) every Hermitian operator $A$ with dense domain $D(A)$ can be decomposed as above by a POVM (with some details on the domain). That POVM is unique only if $A$ is maximally symmetric and is a PVM only if $A$ is selfdajoint.
These results can be found spread in the literature. A good (but very wide) reference is the beautiful book by Busch and collaborators [2].
A summary of the interplay of POVMs and Hermitian operators can be found in a recent paper of mine and N. Drago [3]
If $A: D(A) \to H$ is a linear operator in the Hilbert space $H$, $D(A) \subset H$ being a subspace,
(i) $A$ is Hermitian if $\langle x| Ay\rangle = \langle Ax| y\rangle$ for every $x,y \in D(A)$;
(ii) $A$ is symmetric if it is Hermitian and $D(A)$ is dense.
(iii) $A$ is selfadjoint if it is symmetric and more strongly $A=A^\dagger$, where
$A^\dagger : D(A^\dagger) \to H$ is the adjoint operator.
[1] P. Busch, No Information Without Disturbance: Quantum Limitations of Measurement
in Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle: An Interna-
tional Conference in Honour of Abner Shimony, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, July 18-21, 2006, Eds J. Christian, W.Myrvold, Springer-Verlag, 2008, ISSN: 978-
[2] P.Busch, P.Lahiti, J.-P.Pellonpää, K.Ylinen, Quantum Measurement. Springer (2016)
[3] N. Drago and V.Moretti, The notion of observable and the moment problem for ∗-
algebras and their GNS representations. Lett. Math. Phys, 110(7), 1711-1758 (2020)
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2025-01-22 10:51 (UTC), posted by SE-user Valter Moretti