I could understand the derivation of the "bulk-to-boundary" propagators (K) for scalar fields in AdS but the iterative definition of the "bulk-to-bulk" propagators is not clear to me.
On is using the notation that KΔi(z,x;x′) is the bulk-to-boundary propagator i.e it solves (◻−m2)KΔi(z,x;x′)=δ(x−x′) and it decays as cz−Δi (for some constant c) for z→0. Specifically one has the expression, KΔi(z,x;x′)=czΔi(z2+(x−x′)2)Δi
Given that this K is integrated with boundary fields at x′ to get a bulk field at (z,x), I don't understand why this is called a bulk-to-boundary propagator. I would have thought that this is the "boundary-to-bulk" propagator! I would be glad if someone can explain this terminology.
Though the following equation is very intuitive, I am unable to find a derivation for this and I want to know the derivation for this more generalized expression which is written as,
where the "b" is as defined below in the action Sbulk, the fields with superscript of 0 are possibly the values of the fields at the boundary and GΔi(z,x;z′,x′) - the "bulk-to-bulk" propagator is defined as the function such that,
- Here what is the limiting value of this GΔi(z,x;z′,x′) that justifies the subscript of Δi.
Also in this context one redefined K(z,x;x′) as,
where γ is the metric g restricted to the boundary.
How does one show that this definition of K and the one given before are the same? (..though its very intuitive..)
I would also like to know if the above generalized expression is somehow tied to the following specific form of the Lagrangian,
Is it necessary that for the above expression to be true one needs multiple fields/species? Isn't the equation below the italicized question a general expression for any scalar field theory in any space-time?
- Is there a general way to derive such propagator equations for lagrangians of fields which keep track of the behaviour at the boundary?
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