If you take a scale invariant theory which contains some scalars then you can obtain a spontaneously broken scale invariance by giving some expectation values to the scalars. If you give some expectation values to some scalars in a gauge theory, we have the Higgs mechanism, with spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry. The story will be analoguous for some generic expectation values of the scalars in a scale invariant theory : at low energies, particles will obtain masses and the theory will no longer be scale invariant.
One of the simplest example of scale invariant theory is N=4 Super-Yang-Mills in four dimensions. This is a scale (in fact conformal) invariant gauge theory. There are 6 scalars in the adjoint representation of the gauge group and the expectation values of these scalars define a moduli space M=R6, called the Coulomb branch. At the origin, no scalar expectation value, unbroken gauge group, scale invariance. At a generic point, some scalar expectation values, broken gauge group by Higgs mechanism and broken scale invariance: some particles are massive.