The best method should be using separation of variables rather than using Laplace transform.
The general solution is of the form u(x,y,t)=∫∞0∫∞0C1(r,s)sinxrsinyssin(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C2(r,s)sinxrsinyscos(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C3(r,s)sinxrcosyssin(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C4(r,s)sinxrcosyscos(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C5(r,s)cosxrsinyssin(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C6(r,s)cosxrsinyscos(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C7(r,s)cosxrcosyssin(ct√r2+s2) dr ds+∫∞0∫∞0C8(r,s)cosxrcosyscos(ct√r2+s2) dr ds
Now substitute the conditions u(0,y,t)=sinnπysinωt , u(l,y,t)=0 , u(x,0,t)=0 and u(x,1,t)=0 for eliminating some of the arbitrary functions.
This post imported from StackExchange Mathematics at 2014-06-09 19:14 (UCT), posted by SE-user doraemonpaul