The originality scores on papers are going to increase as people come here, and to get a 10fold increase in the vote score requires only a +12 or so originality score. I assumed this would be typical of any research paper, so that a multiplicative factor of 10 would be automatic once there is enough participation. I don't think putting it in by hand is useful.
The effect of these changes is to shut Vladimir Kalitvianski up, and this is entirely unacceptable to me, at least not unless it is a temporary measure until reviews is fully functioning. It is not healthy to produce censorship of this sort, and I am flabbergasted that it would happen this early on.
Kalitvianski's opinions may be incorrect, but he is honest about them, he reads the responses, he thinks about them, and he has not placed his opinions in places where they are inappropriate. His discussions have has been isolated and sandboxed in cases where they might be distracting, and no further steps may be taken.
I request that commenting be allowed for all participants, at least while we are still doing things like changing scoring systems. You must not punish people for placing a controversial paper here! That will lose you people with controversial papers, and these are the most likely people to benefit from a site of this sort.
In the future, when Vladimir Kalitvianski's form-factor paper is properly evaluated and voted, he will likely have healthy positive rep, so this problem will go away for him personally. But this type of shutting people up is completely deranged, and it is wrecking the entire purpose of the site. Honestly, are people here this weak that they would jeapardize the freedom of the site to censor one not-even-too-ornery fellow?