1. Background:
Lense-Thirring precession is the rotation undergone by the spin of a particle located in the gravitational field of a massive spinning body. In terms of asymptotically inertial coordinates (t,→x) in a four-dimensional space-time, and if we denote by →J the angular momentum of the source, the angular velocity of precession of a particle at position →x is
where r≡√→x⋅→x and the dot denotes the scalar product of spatial vectors. We use units such that G=c=1. (For the derivation of this formula, see e.g. Misner-Thorne-Wheeler, section 40.7.)
2. My question:
The dependence of the angular velocity →Ω on the source's angular momentum →J and on the spatial position →x is exactly the same as that of the electric field generated by an electric dipole. Under such an identification, →Ω is identified with the electric field while →J is identified with the dipole moment. My question is the following: is there an intuitive explanation for why the precessional angular velocity has to be of the same form as the field sourced by a dipole?
Just to make things clear: I'm not looking for a mathematical proof that the above formula for →Ω is correct. Instead, I'd like to find an intuitive (but nevertheless rigorous) argument that makes the above result obvious. Indeed, the standard derivation of the formula for →Ω relies on some relatively advanced mathematical tools, but the result is so simple and pretty that I suspect there's a deeper reason for the apparent coincidence with the formula from electrostatics. (Of course, my expectation may be wrong.)