I am also referring to this answer:
that presents different points of view to considering information stored in a body.
I don't have a background in genetics, but collaborating with a research institute in genetics and I am fascinated by complex networks.
My questions would probably refer more to the network of interactions between genes in an organism: which is the information stored in this network, considering all possible distributions functional to life ?
As example, if gene is an hub interacting with many genes for simple functions like telling if a cell must die or not, and its "states" of expression is modified, it may yield to a tumor. This is another possible state of network between genes in all the possible distribution - I call here a disease as a state of the possible networks of expression between genes.
How much information is stored in a genome software?
The second, is to put in relation the information stored in a genome organism, with the distribution of that genome in a species.
Which is the order of magnitude of information stored in a species, from the point of view of distribution of all genes-networks of organism belonging to a same species?
Here I think to an organism as a possible state of all the possibile distributions found in a species.
Answers that will accompany the concept of entropy to gene networks, to biology of an organism and to "ecosystem" of a species with divulgative approach and paper references are much appreciated to help introduce in the argument.