I've been studying IR-dualities in 2+1 dimensions. I encountered monopole operators in the following papers:
1. "Time-Reversal Symmetry, Anomalies, and Dualities in (2+1)d" https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.08639
On page 10, starting from QED3 with Nf fermions of charge 1, the monopole operator is defined in the following way.
Let {ai,a†j}=δij be the annihilation and creation operators for the zero-modes of the Dirac fermion in the monopole background. Let |0⟩ be the bare monopole state. Then the monopole operator is defined to be associated with the state.
This state transforms in totally anti-symmetric representation of
SU(Nf), with
l indices, and is bosonic.
2. "A Duality Web in 2+1 Dimensions and Condensed Matter Physics" https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01989
On page 13, it says that for the Dirac fermion coupled to a background spinc connection A,
Both ˉΨ and Ψ have zero-modes leading after quantization to two different states differing by a factor of Ψ (or ˉΨ). These two states have spin zero and their electric charges differ by 1. To determine the charges, one has to add a bulk term
Then the theory is time-reversal and time-reversal+charge conjugation invariant. This determines the charges to be
On page 14 and 15, it says from the duality
The monopole operator Mb on the right hand side carries U(1)b charge 1 and U(1)A charge 1. It means that ϕ†Mb is U(1)b-gauge invariant. It has spin-12 because of the relative angular momentum between the electrically charged ϕ† and magnetically charged Mb. We have the identification
Could anyone please help me understand the above definition of the monopole operator and the statements in the second paper?