Do these equations make any sense?
E = mc²
E = h.f
f = \frac{1}{\Delta t}
f = Frequency
c² = \frac{d²}{t²}
c² = \frac{d²}{t} * \frac{1}{t}
if \Delta t is equal to t, then we have E=mc², if different, we have E =m . \frac{d²}{t} . f
Equaling both Energy Equations:
h.f = m.c²
h.f = m . \frac{d²}{t} . f
h = m.\frac{d²}{t}
h = d².\frac{m}{t} => happens to be the same units of Plancks Constant.
Throwing "h" again in the formula of E = h.f:
E = d².\frac{m}{t}.f
E = m.\frac{d²}{t} . f
That could be also seen as:
E = m. \frac{d²}{t} . \frac{1}{\Delta t}
IF, \Delta t is equal to t:
E = m.\frac{d²}{t²}
and since v² = \frac{d²}{t²} and c² = v²:
E = mc²
Is there something wrong with these equations?