Jose Vargas makes many claims regarding unified theories in theoretical physics. Please visit his website and tell me what you think. He suggests an approach to the geometrization of theoretical physics with the use of Kahler Calculus which he says leads to a generalization of Dirac equation to the Kahler equation. Here are some of his claims as quoted by him on his website under the Theory tab,
" Forget the fields, as it is misguided to look at their unification, except when convenient for heuristic purposes."
" In this way the Käehler calculus, in addition to providing a language for dealing with both GR and quantum mechanics, brings a geometrized EM field to the Dirac equation. It further enhances the quasi-geometric nature of his Dirac equations."
"This equation is just a generalization of the Dirac equation, except that it emerges naturally in the calculus of differential forms. In other words, the pillars of the physics are not the Maxwell, Einstein and Dirac equations, but just appropriate generalizations of Einstein and Dirac, united ab initio. Maxwell’s theory will have to be viewed as a corruption of quantum mechanics. We are pleased that this point of view has been advanced also by the eminent present day physicist and technology innovator Carver Mead."
Expert physicists please comment on this.