In the [paper][1] by Fidkowski and Kitaev, they aim to study the interaction of 8 parallel Majorana wires, and they work on so(8) Lie Algebra. They first start with just 4 parallel Majorana wires which in so(2n), n=2. Then based on the fact that so(4)≅so(3)⊕so(3), they aim to get the generators of two copies of so(3) (which I do not understand why they used two copies of so(3) rather than just one so(4)?). The map of Lie algebra is defined:
A∈so(2n) is an anti-symmetric matrix belonging to the Lie algebra. So here we have
n=2 and 4 Majoranas
I have three questions:
1. Here ρ is the adjoint representation? Base on the relation
Therefore ρ defines a Lie algebra, so is it the adjoint representation? Also, I am not sure why I am not able to finish the proof of the above equation. Here is my attempt (I know I got the commutation of A and B but I do not know how to get the other direction:
2. How the induced action on ˆc is defined as follows?
I cannot understand this induced action? and they did not even define
3. My big question is that how under
ρ the generators of two
so(3) obey equations (5) and (6) in the reference. I know
so(4) has 6 generators.
So as the paper addressed both Ai and Bi belong to so(4), but I don't understand how to get the generators.